Rainmeter 1.1 Release

Hai semua... disini saya akan menjelaskan tentang kegunaan rainmeter sebagai salah satu penghias desktop... Versi 1.1 ini diluncurkan sebagai fix dari bur dan error di Rainmeter 1.0... Dilengkapi dengan fitur terbaru yakni :

The default value for the UpdateRate in the WebParser is now 600 (=10 mins).
Fix for the ToggleiTunes command in the iTunesPlugin.
The IgnoreRemovable now defaults to true (1) which should help with the missing disk errors.
Added Themes submenu to the Rainmeter's context and tray menus.
Variables can be used under the [Variables] section (as long as they have been defined before the current variable is read).
Changed RainThemes to automatically create a theme called "AutoSave" which will contain your current setup.
The windows stay visible with Windows 7 Aero Peek.
WebParser reads the resource now only if it has been modified. This can be overridden with ForceReload=1.
!RainmeterRefresh and !RainmeterQuit are now handled only during the event loop since they can crash the application if executed during Update().
It's now possible to use the measures as if they were variables (use [MeasureName] instead #VariableName#). Set DynamicVariables=1 for all meters and measures which refer to other measures.
New bang !RainmeterSetVariable can be used to change the value of a variable (DynamicVariables must be 1 in places where the variable is used).
Skin information and instructions can be added to [Metadata] section.
Aspect ratio of the image is preserved when the image is scaled.
New RANDOM function in the CALC measure type.
Fonts can now be stored in Rainmeter\Fonts or with the skin and not "installed" in Windows.
Added support for style sections. MeterStyle can be used in meters to read the values from the style section.
Added support for the middle mouse button (MiddleMouseDownAction / MiddleMouseUpAction)
The skin files can read other files with @include statement.
If native transparency is enabled the windows are not refreshed anymore when settings change but they are just moved to the correct location.
Added a version check for the skins which come with Rainmeter so they can be upgraded.
Path and filename of the file created by Debug=2 in WebParser is now configurable with Debug2File="[Path\]filename.ext"
The standard "hand pointer" mouse cursor is shown when you hover over a meter with any "MouseAction" on it or a button.
Added #CURRENTCONFIG# as a "built-in" variable.
Fixed: [Measure] contained in Action in Measure and Meter are not replaced when reading skins. They are replaced only when executing action.
Fixed: When the designation of Drive is wrong, a strange volume label is indicated.
The !bangs can be now used from command line even if there are no active configs.
Included RainBrowser to the build.
WiFiStatus: Added a variable called WifiListLimit=X that allows you control how many access points to display at a time
WiFiStatus: Removed all popup errors, all debugging messages now sent to Rainmeter log file
WiFiStatus: Fixed some memory leaks 7 and Vista users were facing

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Sekian dari saya... selamat mempercantik desktop anda...

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

this blog like a TRASH.
bad information, if you dont speak with english please you used ur language.

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